Global Brown Center

IMP Pre-Departure Webinars

The 2023 IMPortant Pre-departure Series for international students is designed to ensure a smooth transition for incoming students joining Brown University.

Drawing from the feedback gathered from incoming international students for fall 2023 semester, we will address the most immediate concerns that emerged as the top priorities for our incoming international students: arrival preparations, connecting with peers, and academic readiness.


You will receive an email with zoom access information prior to the webinar dates.

Register for all available webinars

Session #1

IMPortant Logistics: Arrival and International Orientation

This session will provide you with key pre-departure information and insights from Brown professional staff from the Admissions, the Global Brown Center, and IMP coordinators. The topics covered will include, arrival tips and procedures, navigating Providence, what to pack, and the role of summer contacts. The session will also include a Q&A segment to address any remaining questions you may have. 


Friday, July 14, 2023


8:00 am - 9:00 am EST


Webinar w/ Q&A 

Session #2

IMPortant Cargo: The Power of Peer Networks

In this session, you will meet the IMP coordinators and discover their role in supporting incoming international students. Engage in ice-breakers and activities to connect with your peers, while learning strategies for forming meaningful connections. Explore student support and resources available specifically for international students at Brown University.


Friday, July 28, 2023


8:00 am - 9:00 am EST


Interactive Zoom Meeting (We encourage students to turn on their camera to engage in the fun event!)