Division of Campus Life
Global Brown Center

2024 International Women's Day Art Showcase

International Women's Day, honored every year across the world on March 8th, is a day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, while also serving as a call to action for accelerating women's equality. This year, the theme of the International Women's Day Worldwide is #InspireInclusion.

Empowerment through Art: Celebrating International Women's Day 2024

Welcome to our the 2024 International Women's Day Art Gallery, curated by the Global Brown Center and the Sarah Doyle Center for Women and Gender. This is a digital space dedicated to the vibrant expressions of empowerment, inclusivity, and gender equality in honor of International Women's Day 2024. Explore the amazing collection of artworks contributed by talented undergraduate, graduate and medical students from Brown and Brown-RISD programs.

We invite you to a journey through a collection of compelling artworks that amplify diverse voices and perspectives. From bold strokes to intricate details, each piece resonates with the strength and resilience of women worldwide. Join us as we celebrate the power of art to inspire change, challenge norms, and foster a more inclusive society.